Troll Handling....
Good morning folks - hope everyone's doing well??
Apologies is this isn't the right place for this but I'm a bit stuck with a guy who seems intent on laying into me for some reason - I wondered if anyone here has any experience in dealing with people like this (or even if I should be engaging with him at all??) - at heart I'm a free speech fundamentalist so am not inclined to block him but he's clearly happier to sit on the sidelines taking shots (not just at me, his comment history is incredibly negative)....the funny thing is, his CV is absolutely terrible so he's someone who could really benefit from my help!!
I sent him a 'welcome to my new site, thanks for your patience while I launch, here's an intro discount as I see you're still looking for work' message, he responded by commenting on one of my posts saying my service was 'very obviously a scam' which a couple of students thankfully jumped to my defence and he deleted but now he seems to be angered by my content and keeps sending shitty messages.....
Jim Harris
Troll Handling....