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Lead Gen Automation Revolution

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12 contributions to Lead Gen Automation Revolution
Linkedin Profile Optimization
Hey, I'm sharing below the text of my LinkedIn About Section. I'd like it to be as clear as possible about what it is I offer. What ways do you think it can be better or changed? Thanks!!! I deliver Qualified Targeted SEO Traffic and then help you Close and Retain Clients. I'll work with you to identify your best possible marketing strategy and structure your sales and service offerings for ongoing growth. Together we'll: 1) Help you get Pre-qualified foot traffic into your business with Local SEO and Sales Copy integration. 2) Work with your Sales Close Ratio to get over 50 percent of Prospects into Clients. 3) Help you develop systems to allow you to deliver high-priced services in VOLUME.
New comment Feb 6
3 likes • Sep '23
ok thanks Dennis, I"ll look into this moving into the future. Thanks
1 like • Feb 6
@Hadiza Ibrahim I didnt see your input till just now. Thanks!
What to do after they raise their hand for gated content
Whatsup to this great community!? I've been working on making my lead magnet as convincing as possible and sent out my first 100 messages on Octopus CRM. I've gotten a 6 percent initial response rate from it from 100 cold outreach messages with strangers. No follow-ups were required (ex did you get my message?) Here is the message I sent. "Thanks again for the connection - I appreciate it (name). I thought it would make sense to drop in to say hi. I help Health and Wellness operators build and scale. It's great to be connected and I like what I'm seeing there at (their business name)" "I just put together a Report on simple Client Acquisition Strategy for similar businesses. It could be extremely helpful... Felt crazy not to share it. Are you the right person to send it to? It would be great to have your thoughts given your experience as a (their position). Let me know and I'll send it over ASAP! I hope we get the chance to chat more!" Cheers, David So guys and gals; I'm openly sharing my lead-magnet document attached so you can check out. Inside the lead magnet, I offer a complimentary website audit. From the 6 who responded, it gets positive responses about the content and some conversation but hasn't generated any requests for website audits which is the next step I'd like to take here. So any possible feedback would be cool. ie. - What could be changed about the lead magnet to make it more effective in generating website audit requests? I got hand-raisers for the Report but not for the Website audit - What should I say about the website audit to make them ask for it? - General advice?
New comment Feb 6
0 likes • Feb 6
@Tony Brown thanks Tony, I'm on it! Thanks for the suggestion, like you said, every improvement counts!
1 like • Feb 6
@Amir Malik yep Amir, I purposfully left that out bc although it is a factor, I don't want to leave the viewer's head spinning. Most people have very little patience/interest in SEO. But thanks, maybe I'll reconsider
Why you should use all of your 100 connection requests/w
Every day I send at least 20 connection requests You never know who might need your services. Every week I get people who ask me to jump on a call simply because I sent them a connection request even though it's not remotely related to sales. How many connection requests are you sending every day?
24 members have voted
New comment Oct '23
Why you should use all of your 100 connection requests/w
0 likes • Sep '23
@Claudia Andretta I have the same problem, which is why I'm trying with sales navigator otherwise it just would take years
Getting a following First
What would you say would be the best way to get approved connection requests? I feel like an indirect approach, like a comment, a like, with a simple connection note of some kind, might be the best route to getting access to connection and longer conversation possibilities later. Any tips? Thanks Stef and Team! -D
New comment Sep '23
1 like • Sep '23
@Stefano Curcio I'm a little late in the response, busy life! But thanks for the input. I'll keep that in mind for sure. I really feel like I could build any gym's personal training program by working with their sales and marketing systems. I guess sometimes you need to start in another market before breaking into another. We'll see.
0 likes • Sep '23
@Dennis Leyton ok, doing some research!
21 Day Challenge Goal and Promise
Hello Elegants, please choose your goal (in terms of output) and make your promise for the 21-day challenge following this format: - Goal: 10 leads outreached per day (50 a week) - Promise: I will donate €100 to charity if I don't reach out to at least 150 leads in the next 21 days IMPORTANT: Aim for an output that is uncomfortable but not impossible. I would recommend aiming for a number between 5 and 15 leads reached out per day. P.S. You can find the outbound and traffic conversion training here. P.S.S. Fill out this sheet daily
New comment Oct '23
21 Day Challenge Goal and Promise
2 likes • Sep '23
Goal: 3 Posts per week and 5 leads outreached per day Promise: I will donate 100 euros to the next homeless person I see if I don't reach out to at least 75 leads in the next 21 days
1 like • Sep '23
@Dennis Leyton Thank you!!! I love the fact that you are making progress, hoping for the same result!!
1-10 of 12
David Mauntz
19points to level up
Let's Launch

Active 215d ago
Joined Jun 30, 2023
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