What to do after they raise their hand for gated content
Whatsup to this great community!? I've been working on making my lead magnet as convincing as possible and sent out my first 100 messages on Octopus CRM.
I've gotten a 6 percent initial response rate from it from 100 cold outreach messages with strangers. No follow-ups were required (ex did you get my message?)
Here is the message I sent.
"Thanks again for the connection - I appreciate it (name). I thought it would make sense to drop in to say hi. I help Health and Wellness operators build and scale. It's great to be connected and I like what I'm seeing there at (their business name)"
"I just put together a Report on simple Client Acquisition Strategy for similar businesses. It could be extremely helpful... Felt crazy not to share it. Are you the right person to send it to? It would be great to have your thoughts given your experience as a (their position). Let me know and I'll send it over ASAP! I hope we get the chance to chat more!"
Cheers, David
So guys and gals; I'm openly sharing my lead-magnet document attached so you can check out.
Inside the lead magnet, I offer a complimentary website audit. From the 6 who responded, it gets positive responses about the content and some conversation but hasn't generated any requests for website audits which is the next step I'd like to take here.
So any possible feedback would be cool.
  • What could be changed about the lead magnet to make it more effective in generating website audit requests? I got hand-raisers for the Report but not for the Website audit
  • What should I say about the website audit to make them ask for it?
  • General advice?
David Mauntz
What to do after they raise their hand for gated content