🎧 Podcast Chat: 🤩 Achieving a Goal with Soul
Podcast chats are where we dive deeper into the topics covered in the Art of Value Whispering Podcast.
➡️ This is the place to share your experiences, your biggest insights and take-aways from the show, and ask questions.
This thread is for episode 192: A Goal with Soul:
And I think this is my favourite ever interview on the show!
If you've ever...
🙈 Had a vision so big it scared you
🎯 Set a goal and failed, or
😟 Worried that you are not ____ enough (fill in the blank)
Then you will get so much value and inspiration from Kate's quietly empowering advice and encouragement.
I can't wait to hear your thoughts - what resonated with you most?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
Melitta Campbell
🎧 Podcast Chat: 🤩 Achieving a Goal with Soul
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