🎧 Podcast Chat: 🤩 Achieving a Goal with Soul
Podcast chats are where we dive deeper into the topics covered in the Art of Value Whispering Podcast.
➡️ This is the place to share your experiences, your biggest insights and take-aways from the show, and ask questions.
This thread is for episode 192: A Goal with Soul:
And I think this is my favourite ever interview on the show!
If you've ever...
🙈 Had a vision so big it scared you
🎯 Set a goal and failed, or
😟 Worried that you are not ____ enough (fill in the blank)
Then you will get so much value and inspiration from Kate's quietly empowering advice and encouragement.
I can't wait to hear your thoughts - what resonated with you most?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
• Mar '24
I cannot wait for the arrival of my order. "Get There, Love Here!: The busy professional's guide to authentic, enjoyable success."
So many topics and concepts that Melitta and Kate covered in this podcast brought the message home.
• Mar '24
it's a great book and I think you'll get lots of ideas for your business and clients too : )
• Feb '24
I love the idea of judging each small step you take with a view to seeing how it aligns with your future self and vision. I really rely on small steps and try to take one step towards what I am seeking to achieve each day, but I have never thought of looking at how it aligns with the future vision, nor with existing skills. Really something to think about.
• Feb '24
yes, I loved that advice too. It's a nice way to look at things that will help us enjoy more personal growth and take bolder actions along the way.
I listened to this while doing my long run this morning and I wanted to stop and take some notes. It really resonated with everything you have taught so far Melitta. I particularly liked when she said that we need to look inwards not outwards when building a business. Also liked that she linked it to the zone of genius as I am currently listening to Gay Hendricks’ book. I will listen again with pen and paper!
I love this episode as well. Do what gives you more energy, when you come out of the task, than when you go in. This is so powerful. Implementing this even with really small steps is already such a huge leap in living a healthy, purposeful, happy and fulfilling life. 🫶
Combining this with an inflow of money...set yourself up for real longevity.
• Mar '24
so glad you liked it too. I think this is one of my all time favourite interviews.
Your comment
Melitta Campbell
🎧 Podcast Chat: 🤩 Achieving a Goal with Soul
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