W-wait a minute? there's nothing wrong with me?
imagine having an assignment due soon
you feel the murk of having to start
you feel the weight pull your body down
you feel your head heavy
you feel the "blegh" feeling
like you're chained to your chair and you're making no progress
so what do i do?
"i know! there must be something wrong! therefore i will cure myself then get to the thing i wanna do!"
what a genius insight!! seems logical! ill deal with it once and never have to deal with it ever again!
so the journey begins. I comb through hundreds of articles, hundreds of youtube videos, different modalities, different theories, esoteric ideas, twitter users with anime pfps and 20 followers, and god forbid, you stumble across books you have to read.
"i need to heal myself so i have to invest the time in this book. the thing i wanted to do in the first place will have to wait"
and there i go, the day or week or month is wasted in research mode, that i forget what the hell i wanted to do in the first place.
one day, it hit me : "wait a minute, all this research i did... was actually equivalent of the work i had to do on the assignment. what the hell? why didnt i just do the work in the first place and spared myself the trouble.. wait what if there's nothing wrong with me? what if i have all the tools available and i just need to access them?"
then if i already possess all the tools i need, what if i don't need to heal anything ? and instead just reassess the situation?
the truth is in my experience is that no matter how you slice and dice it, we are all just avoiding resistance , it is the real enemy (even though matt doesnt like this frame) , your reaction to the resistance is what's propelling you away. no more.
sit with it and address it with the techniques matt overlies, and forget the theory.
unless you want to be a coach yourself, delving in the theory is just more distraction.
talk to yourself for once, you may be surprised :)
1 comment
Adam Smith
W-wait a minute? there's nothing wrong with me?
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