Wed April 10 Engagement Thread + New Members!
Happy Wednesday, Ladies! This will be today's (Wed April 10) Engagement Thread, but first:
WE HAD LIVE CLASS YESTERDAY! It was sooooo good and I would love for you to catch the replay in the classroom if you couldn't attend live. I'll be setting our next one for May, so keep an eye out for that. It was 2 hours and I didn't even cover quite everything, so I really hope to always over-deliver to you ladies!
We also have new members!!! Let's welcome , + !
For each day's engagement thread post, share the link from today's post (or your newest post) in the comments below. Make sure to give engagement on the others' posts and also share honest feedback in here to help give perspective that can be helpful. I also try to give honest feedback on great things I notice and improvement that can be made!
Cheers to a great day!!!
Randa Carrabba
Wed April 10 Engagement Thread + New Members!
Digital Profit Queens
Profit Queens Membership led by Randa Carrabba
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