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The Journey To Freedom Is . . .
Whats Up Everyone! I wanted to drop a little story and lesson me and Lori learned in our simple journey. I remember looking at the success of others and feeling like I just suck. Im just not good enough. But I really wanted to fire my boss. lol. You probably know what I mean, right? I remember texting Lori a material list that my contractor crew needed for a rehab. Then her texting me back while she is at Lowes asking, "Whats this .... ?" I thank God everyday for blessing me with such a woman... 🙏 The journey is tough and if anyone says its easy... Just smile and move on because its NOT...However, it is worth every sacrifice. You know when you do something really hard and while your doing it you feel so so bad.... But after you finish doing the same... NOW THATS THE GREATEST FEELING IN THE WORLD! Our Biggest enemy is actually 2 - Its #overwhelm & #shinyobject If you have seen my posts recently, thats what I am on a mission to help the community with.. 👉Heres a Straightforward plan for you to start: 1. Focus on ONE marketing Strategy at a Time 🧠When you’re starting out, it’s easy to get distracted by shiny objects and new tactics. My advice? Master one strategy first. Whether it’s wholesaling, flipping, or buy-and-hold, get really good at one thing before expanding. Consistency is key—stay focused, and the results will follow. 👉 For me, I Flipped, and built my portfolio.. I would flip 2 homes and the flip and keep the 3rd. 2. Build Relationships, Not Just Deals 🤝Networking isn’t just about finding the next deal; it’s about building a community. Reach out, connect, and genuinely help others in the group. Share your wins, your struggles, and your knowledge. The best opportunities often come from the relationships you cultivate, not just the properties you find. 👉 HONEST TRUTH, I absolutely SUCK at this.. and now I am trying to Skill Stack on how to connect with other investors.. I have never liked the JV model because I know how to close and generate my own deals. - building relationships takes time and its amazing on our Pace can pull someone up and increase their popularity like Rocket Fuel.. Thats a Blessing.
New comment 4d ago
The Journey To Freedom Is . . .
Where were you on 9/11?
Today is a Day that I feel has been forgotten. A day that is not talked about in school. A day that lights the fire in My blood. A day that makes me proud to be a American Patriot! A day that makes me reflect on how I am raising my children. A day that makes me afraid for the present times that my kids are growing up in and most of all the future they will raise a family in. Place God in the center of your life and never listen to the propaganda. We all know wrong from right. Where were you on 9/11? #debate #KamalaHarris #DonaldTrump
New comment 7d ago
  Where were you on 9/11?
The Deal Formula
For 13 years, I worked as an Air Traffic Controller, helping planes land safely while also trying to build my real estate business on the side. I thought if I just worked harder and did everything myself, I would finally be successful. I wanted to keep 100% of every deal because I thought that was the only way to win. But every time I tried to take control of a deal, it felt like something went wrong. I was losing deals, and I didn’t understand why. I was chasing tiny grapes when I could have been growing huge watermelons. One day, after losing another deal, I started asking myself, “What am I doing wrong?” That’s when I discovered something that changed everything for me: The Deal Formula. I realized I didn’t need to own every part of a deal; I just needed to work with the right people who could help. The Deal Formula is simple. It’s about using three things: Expertise (people who know what they’re doing), Grit (people who never give up), and Money (people who can help pay for the deal). Instead of doing it all alone, I could team up with others who had what I didn’t. You know how it feels when you try to do everything by yourself? It’s tough, and it doesn’t always work. But when I started working with other people, we could all share a piece of something much bigger. Instead of fighting over a small grape, we were growing big, juicy watermelons together. I started to look for partners who brought different strengths to the table. I didn’t have to control everything; I just needed to be part of something bigger. That’s when I started winning more often. Deals got better, everyone was happy, and people wanted to work with me because I wasn’t just taking—I was sharing. You know how great it feels when everyone is on your team? That’s what the Deal Formula is all about. It’s about creating win-win-win situations where everyone gets something good. You don’t need to fight to have it all. When you work together, you can have so much more. So if you’re like I was, trying to do it all on your own, remember this: It’s not about taking the whole grape for yourself. It’s about growing watermelons that everyone can enjoy. Share, work together, and you’ll end up with something way better than you ever imagined.
The Deal Formula
STOP LOSING LEADS: The Bullseye Marketing System Works
STOP LOSING LEADS: The Bullseye Marketing System Works
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Deal Boss Project
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