This is the Easiest Way to Build AI Chatbots 🤖
A few weeks ago, I shared how you can build an AI chatbot and connect it to WhatsApp using Python.
Now that tutorial was quite advanced, and something not everyone can implement.
So I wanted to explore something more beginner-friendly and partnered up with Botpress.
Their platform allows anyone to build AI chatbots (without coding skills).
You can get started in 5 simple steps:
  1. Create a free Botpress account
2. Build a conversational flow using the drag and drop builder
3. Upload your own data to personalize the bot
4. Deploy your bot with one click
5. Connect it to a platform like WhatsApp to chat with it
This whole process will take you 60 minutes and is a great way to better understand the capabilities of large language models.
Want a step-by-step tutorial? Then check out my latest video below.
Dave Ebbelaar
This is the Easiest Way to Build AI Chatbots 🤖
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