Some concerns
As an AI enthusiast that I am, some weeks ago I went to a talk about AI and its degree of intelligence and state of art, and since then I would like to share some concerns the conference left me with. The speaker was an AI specialist with around 40 years of experience on the field, so I'd trust him.
One of the things that the speaker said was that the need of electricity AIs need is growing at huge rates and that is an environmental problem as solar, wind and other sources of green energy are not enough to power the growing amount of usage of AI.
The other thing he said is that AI is not that intelligent yet and behind the curtain there are sweatshops and slave labour labelling data to allow AIs to perform.
Speaking of concerns, he said that based on the actual power AIs have and their predictable development, future dystopian robots like terminator or robocop are ages away -if there will ever be- and that a rise-of-the-robots dystopian future is also out of reality.
But about the first two, they are serious on my point of view and we should take into account and search for solutions to avoid building progress on oppression of the poor and the need, again.
Have you ever thought about that? Does it concern you? Is there anybody aware of this and working on solutions?
Oriol Fort
Some concerns
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