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13 contributions to Data Alchemy
Why writing by hand beats typing for thinking and learning
Giving up this slower, more tactile way of expressing ourselves may come at a significant cost, according to a growing body of research that's uncovering the surprising cognitive benefits of taking pen to paper, or even stylus to iPad — for both children and adults.
New comment Jun 25
2 likes • Jun 24
Interesting body of research. I'll find time to read it. I agree with its idea, and I always tell my students to copy things on their notebooks [instead of doing the exercises on their ebooks] because that way the information goes through their brains [in deeper ways that help them learn]. Paying attention to what one does helps learning.
Understanding Python Classes
For this week's video, I decided to go back to the basics and talk about how to properly use classes within your Python projects. I personally know that for most people in data-related fields, this way of writing code doesn't really come naturally to us because we're used to following examples in Jupyter Notebooks. This is how I started as well. But now, I almost never use notebooks anymore and structure all my projects in an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) way, which is a programming paradigm that focuses on creating reusable and modular code. Classes allow you to define blueprints for creating objects that encapsulate data and behavior. They provide a way to group related data (attributes) and functions (methods) together into a single unit. By using classes, you can create instances (objects) of that class, each with its own unique set of data. In this tutorial, I will show you the very basics of how to get started using classes and conclude with an example of how I use a combination of classes and design patterns to create modular code. Go watch the video here
New comment Apr 18
Understanding Python Classes
1 like • Apr 16
Thank you for the video, that's gold. I started watching it and it suddenly clicked in my mind and brought back an old project of mine related to test evolution hypothesis. I could create classes that represent the different steps of human evolution and use the specifics to add characteristics of each species. Also, the final example about the sales could be used at my job to do the tedious and soul-consuming task of controlling and monitoring the attendance of my students.
Some concerns
As an AI enthusiast that I am, some weeks ago I went to a talk about AI and its degree of intelligence and state of art, and since then I would like to share some concerns the conference left me with. The speaker was an AI specialist with around 40 years of experience on the field, so I'd trust him. One of the things that the speaker said was that the need of electricity AIs need is growing at huge rates and that is an environmental problem as solar, wind and other sources of green energy are not enough to power the growing amount of usage of AI. The other thing he said is that AI is not that intelligent yet and behind the curtain there are sweatshops and slave labour labelling data to allow AIs to perform. Speaking of concerns, he said that based on the actual power AIs have and their predictable development, future dystopian robots like terminator or robocop are ages away -if there will ever be- and that a rise-of-the-robots dystopian future is also out of reality. But about the first two, they are serious on my point of view and we should take into account and search for solutions to avoid building progress on oppression of the poor and the need, again. Have you ever thought about that? Does it concern you? Is there anybody aware of this and working on solutions?
New comment Mar 28
0 likes • Mar 28
@Tinne Mertens You're welcome.
1 like • Mar 28
That's the video Marcio Pacheco was talking to a few days ago.
The Year of Agents 🤖
If 2023 was the year of chatbots, then 2024 is set to be the year of agents. And they are going to change everything. But what are these so-called "agents"? Well, what makes an agent different from a standard software program is that an agent can autonomously perceive and act within a certain environment to achieve specific goals without being explicitly programmed to do so. Sounds cool, but also kind of scary, right? In the current project that I am working, we are using various agents working together in a multi-agent system to complete tasks, where each agent handles specific subtasks. It's actually not much different from how humans operate. And that's what I find most exciting about this: the best way to build intelligent agent solutions is to ask yourself, "How would a human solve this problem?" Can you imagine having several agents assisting you with your tasks? Let me know in the comments what agents you would like to build!
New comment 19d ago
The Year of Agents 🤖
4 likes • Feb 2
@Dave Ebbelaar I agree. I might revisit some of the ideas and projects I worked on once I get a bit further in the course.
1 like • Mar 20
@Grant Fox The AI will become what its creators make it become. It can do great things with the correct inputs but if you want precise work you have to do a big description of what you want and it has little to no self-consciousness or analytic capacity of their own work, so by now and under my opinion, AI is advanced robotics. Tools are good or bad per se, it's the use we give to them what makes it good or bad. I mean, statues aren't made to kill, but drop one big enough over somebody and chances are they get serious damage. One of my favourite sayings goes "if it can be used for evil it will."
Should I use JavaScript instead python?
Is JavaScript suitable for writing LLM apps? Because I mainly works a web developer and I have more experience writing js/ts code.
New comment Jun 15
2 likes • Feb 28
This course is based on Python, but I think that as long as you can apply the fundamentals of python to Java there shouldn't be a problem. Give it a try and let us know how is it going.
1 like • Mar 1
@Bastian Brand Excuse my ignorance but, isn't it related?
1-10 of 13
Oriol Fort
84points to level up
Former archaeologist turned into teacher. Learning about AI to be able to create programs that make a difference for students and researchers.

Active 79d ago
Joined Jan 20, 2024
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