Need some advice please customer or client?
I need some help guys this is really confusing me and it gets nearly impossible to write good copy !
I was wondering what is the correct terminology for the person I sell to. You see I am used to working in markets where the people I sell to are clients and they sell their service to are called patients (medical) so that’s pretty straightforward.
Problem is that’s fine but I have a product/service that works in many other niches and can’t decide which is correct ✅ since if refer to my customer as a client what do I then refer to their customer as.
Hope I have explained that OK because even when I’m writing copy and promotional material I’m still not sure.
Would it be my clients clients or my clients customers?!🤯 or do you have other suggestions?
• Sep '23
Such a helpful answer I totally see what your saying thanks for your insight 👍
• Sep '23
Graham, I know how frustrating it can be to write good copy when youre not sure what to call ur prospects.
I’ve been in this business for a long time, and I’ve learned a thing or two about the art of persuasion. And one of the most important things is to know your audiece and speak their language.
So, let me ask you this: what do you think your prospects want to be called? Do they want to be clients, customers, patients, or something eise?
The answer is: it depends.
It depends on what kind of product or service you’re selling, what kind of market you’re in, and what kind of relationship you want to have with your prospects.
For example, if you’re selling a high-end service that requires a lot of trust and expertise, like a lawyer or a doctor, you might want to call them clients. That implies that you’re a professional who works for them and has their best interests at heart.
But if you’re selling a low-cost product that doesn’t require much commitment or involvement, like a candy bar or a magazine, you might want to call them customers.
That implies that you’re a seller who offers them a good deal and a satisfying experience.
And if you’re sellin something that involves health or wellness, like a dentist or a chiropractor, you might want to call them patients.
That implies that you’re a healer who cares for them and helps them solve their problems.
But what if you’re selling something that works in many different niches and can appeal to different types of prospects? Well, then you have to be more creative and flexible.
You have to think about what kind of message you want to convey and what kind of emotion you want to evoke.
You have to think about what kind of benefits your product or service provides and what kind of problems it solves.
• Sep '23 (edited)
Hi I define my copy based on my product first and the function it serves.
For instance for my high ticket clients, I refer to them as mentorees, for my community ‘members’, for my 1:1 premier work ‘clients’, for my following and email list ‘subscribers’ and for my course buyers ‘customers’ !
This is just my experience, but I do think about this as well!
Hope it helps!
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Graham Waite
Need some advice please customer or client?
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