Feb 7 in Announcements
Who's attending tonight?
If you still need help with coming up with your offer, you may like this:
I'm hosting an Offer Clarity therapy session tonight at 6pm EST on Zoom, and it's free (but I was advised to charge for it).
The purpose of the session is to get you clear on an offer that you LOVE and that will help you bring in $10,000/month.
Spoiler: I'm probably going to suggest you charge at least $1,000-$2,000 for your offer. This way, you only need to sell 5-10 per month to make $10,000. Easy math.
Before attending, spend some time brainstorming what you want to help people with and then find at least one example of someone who makes a living already selling something similar.
Ted Carr
Who's attending tonight?
Contentpreneurship.com (FREE)
A cooperative multiplayer game where players collaborate to start and grow an online business to $5,000/month or more using Skool.
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