Mar '23 (edited) in Announcements
There's this girl at my gym...
And she's lean.
Like... fitness-magazine-cover lean lean.
And she's there EVERYDAY at 7am - ALL YEAR.
I told her when I first met her that she reminds me of a robot.
Then I asked her what her secret was to staying in such good shape.
(Classic gym small talk, I know I know)
She laughed and said: "I act like a robot, & that's my secret."
Me: "What do you mean you act like a robot?"
Her: "I'm consistent. Like a machine."
Why am I telling you this?
And what does this have to do with your online business?
C O N S I S T E N C Y is K E Y if you want R E S U L T S
If you are consistent with even the SMALLEST things (like writing a 300 word post like this one) you can make it SO FAR in this game!
But 99.9% of people are NOT consistent with the small things, because as my mentor Dan Hardy always says: "What's incredibly easy to do, is also incredible easy NOT to do."
But imagine if you uploaded just 1 vid per week... that'd be 52 videos this year!
Or what if you started 20 conversations per day? That'd be 7,300 conversations!!!! There's NO WAY you can't make sales with those kind of numbers.....
Today I'm doing a 15min live workshop for you showing you how to make a lot more money just by staying consistent with the NEEDLE MOVING, INCOME GENERATING tasks + how to stay organized with your tasks throughout your day, week, and month so you don't go insane.
After the workshop I'll do Q&A + help u w anything you need.
You can access the workshop via the calendar here or by getting a free 7 day trial for Contentpreneurs here.
Ted Carr
A cooperative multiplayer game where players collaborate to start and grow an online business to $5,000/month or more using Skool.
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