The most consistent way I'm getting people into my paid membership:
Figure I'd share how I'm getting 1-2 people everyday into my paid membership.
I am booking sales calls by running ads to my instagram, with the main priority to sell my high ticket programme...
And very simply to those who cannot afford high ticket but still want to work with me I downsell my membership.
This would work even if you have a $99 / month membership, because it's a high touch process :)
Currently generating a 7x ROAS with this method.
In addition to this I'm going to start automating acquisition into my community by building an email list with a strategic lead magnet and then using an upsell sequence into my low-ticket community.
Will be sharing my progress if you're interested :)
Victor Fedotov
The most consistent way I'm getting people into my paid membership: (FREE)
A cooperative multiplayer game where players collaborate to start and grow an online business to $5,000/month or more using Skool.
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