Spend $50 to make $5,000.
If you could spend $50 to make $5,000, would you do it? Check this out:
In the last 72 hours I've made a $5,000 sale more than 8 times.
And I want to teach it to you, step by step.
But look:
Landing 2-3 high ticket clients per week at $5,000+ each is extremely simple but...
The mental blocks and beliefs you personally have to overcome is what truly holds you back.
So rather than writing another Skool post or filming another video on the exact same topic while you still have unhelpful mental barriers and beliefs...
I'm going to do something better.
I'm going to host live, interactive workshop tomorrow (Saturday at 12pm EST).
During the workshop, here's what will happen:
• I'll unmute you.
• I'll find out where you're stuck.
• I'll tell you exactly what you need to hear to make October your most profitable month EVER.
• I'll show you exactly what my top clients are doing (step by step) to land 2-3 high ticket clients per week.
• I'll help you copy them.
• I'll get you to overcome the unhelpful mental barriers and beliefs​ IN YOUR HEAD that are preventing you from making the amount of money you deserve.
This call will be limited to 20 people only and I'm charging $50 to attend to keep the quality high.
Again, making big money online is SIMPLE but it's a mental game and if you don't address the stories in your head, you'll stay stuck wondering "why isn't this working for me?"
If you have been in this community for awhile but are still not implementing, you're like a deer in headlights and I want this workshop to be a wake up call to help you MOVE!​
If you're serious about growing your coaching business, this is for you.
P.S. The live workshop starts tomorrow (Saturday at 12pm EST) but you must be one of the first 20 people.
Ted Carr
Spend $50 to make $5,000.
Contentpreneurship.com (FREE)
A cooperative multiplayer game where players collaborate to start and grow an online business to $5,000/month or more using Skool.
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