Negative thinking and overthinking are signs of a well-functioning body-mind system.
🧠 The problem isn't that you have negative thoughts.
For your system, they are a subtraction to what exists.
🌟 Like not having enough.
You labelled it as negative thinking and bad because you were told to.
🔍 But in fact, it just is.
And you might be stressed that what is “isn’t enough.”
💡 Yet it is.
💬 Many people would tell you to change this into positive thinking. and it works but is hard
Which is great.
🔄 But that would mean that you go against the patterns that were created by a part of you.
🧘 The problem isn’t in the thinking; it’s the disconnection to your body and the signals it is sending you.
If you feel good, you don’t have “bad” negative thinking.
🚫 Yet clearly, the habit of bad negative thinking will make you feel bad.
🌈 The best way to clear out negative thinking is by regulating your nervous system and finding out the root cause of your emotional state.
🎁 I’ve got a free hypnosis that will help you solve this. Just type “Board Room” in the comments, and it’s yours.
Asha Hope
Negative thinking and overthinking are signs of a well-functioning body-mind system. (FREE)
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