If I Wanted To Become a Millionaire in 2025, This Is What I'd Do (for beginners)
Alex Hormozi dropped a 1 h 18 m video titled "If I Wanted To Become a Millionaire in 2025, This Is What I'd Do [FULL BLUEPRINT]" last week.
In this post, I’ll synthesize key lessons while focusing on the ones most needed for beginners. This should take only 5 minutes to read, so it saves you 1 h 13 m.
Alex divides The Blueprint To Make Your First $1 Million into 3 levels. So let’s start with…
❇️ LEVEL 1 ❇️
🔹 Who You Are 🔹
Starting a million-dollar business starts with you.
You know the things you want to have. You know how much you want to work. You know what tasks you want to do.
But also you’re unique in terms of your:
1️⃣ Knowledge
Rich kids have advantage over poor kids because they grow up with knowledge how to make money and can act on it. If you don’t know how for example business credit works, you’ll never get into it.
2️⃣ Skills
What do you do in your free time? What are your interests?
What do you do for work? There’s already value here, because the market pays you for this.
You can also stack skills to become of a higher value. Sales is already a million dollar skill. But combine it with marketing, and you’ve got a multi-million dollar entrepreneur (because marketing is just sales at scale).
3️⃣ Motivation
Alex says that “motivation fundamentally comes from deprivation”.
An easy way to feel deprived of money is to surround yourself with people who have significantly more money.
If you don’t have rich friends, just surround yourself with rich people digitally. Watch videos with them, listen to podcasts with them, etc. Curate who you’re spending time with.
4️⃣ Environment
“How do I make it as easy as possible to work as hard as I can?”
“How do I eliminate everything else that distracts me from my goals?”
More specifically, how do I eliminate things that distract me from **doing** the stuff that gets me the **skills** that get me closer to my **goals**?
🔹 Who To Sell To 🔹
It’s easier to sell 100 people sth that costs $10,000 than 10,000 people sth that costs $100.
So the main problem you want to solve is — “What do I have that’s worth $10,000?”
To make it easier, you don’t have to charge $10,000 up front.
- $10,000/4 years = $2,500/year = $200/month
- 100 customers = 2 people/week (in one year)
You need to close 2 people a week willing to pay you $200/month for 4 years for your service/product. This doesn’t sound as scary as 100 people buying something for $10,000.
People you should sell to:
- someone with **pain** who is like you
- someone you share a **passion** with
- someone who needs **professional** skills you have
❗️Also remember to be at a market that’s at least flat or growing. Just check it on Google Trends.
Summarizing who to sell to: “you want to help the person who you can provide most value to”.
🔹 What To Sell 🔹
A great product is:
- unique — only you can deliver it
- expensive — you earn more money per unit sold
- sticky — people want to buy it again and again
- air — it doesn’t cost much to deliver it
If you want to make much more money, make the product easily scalable.
❇️ LEVEL 2 ❇️
🔹 Get Them To Buy 🔹
To get people to buy your stuff, they need to find out that they can. That’s what Level 2 is about.
In this part of the video, Alex talks about 8 things you can do to let the people know about your business.
But as I said, I focus on key lessons for beginners, and Alex clearly states to not focus on all 8 things at once.
He says to start with one of these:
- content
- warm outreach
- cold outreach (optionally)
It’s the easiest and cheapest to start here.
🔹 CLOSER Framework 🔹
It’s highly probable that you’ll get on a lot of sales calls. Here’s the CLOSER Framework that Alex Hormozi invented that helps you go through them:
- **Clarify** — why did the customer come to you, get to know this; it’s clarifying the problem they have
- **Label** — “So it sounds like you are here, you want to get here, and this is the thing that’s standing in the way. Does that sound right?”; we want to position ourselves as something that helps get through the thing that’s stopping them
- **Overview** — you overview the past experiences; “the pain cycle”; what went wrong in the past; associate the pain with where they’re now and the solutions with what you can offer
- **Sell the vacation** — don’t do the monologue; come up with 3 analogies to explain your solution; talk about the outcome, not the journey itself
- **Explain away concerns** — people usually blame one of 3 things: 1) their circumstances 2) other people 3) themselves; these are the most common objections:
1. I don’t have time
2. I don’t have money
3. Someone else has to make the decision
4. This isn’t right for me
5. I didn’t like a similar product
6. I am not ready
- **Reinforce the decision** — start onboarding your client; make as many promises as you can and keep them; BAMFAM (book a meeting from a meeting) — don’t leave your client hanging; make notes so you know what you were talking about on the sales call for the future calls
🔹 How Many Times They Buy 🔹
Here, Alex shares 8 ways to make more money from your product/service.
3 easiest to implement are: charge more for the same thing, make a client buy more times, and increase quantity.
But again he states that beginners should just focus on one — **charge more for the same thing**.
He suggests raising the price by 20% every 5 clients. You can do it forever until people stop buying.
And here’s the formula to figure out the perfect price for your product:
🔹 Who Helps You 🔹
There are 3 pillars of a business:
- **acquisition** — marketing and sales; letting people know about your stuff and getting them to buy
- **delivery** — creation of the value and delivery to the client
- **operations** — IT, legal, finance, recruiting, etc.
If you’re starting a business with someone, make sure you’re covering different pillars of a business. Don’t start a business with them just because you’re buddies.
❇️ LEVEL 3 ❇️
🔹 Keep Your Advantage 🔹
Alex Hormozi defines leverage as “how much you get for what you put in”.
There are different types of leverage:
- brand
- people
- money
- media
- code
“Work smart, not hard” is partially true. Before you know how to work smart, you have to work hard.
🔹 Stick With It 🔹
“If everything is going well, the only thing that can stop you is you.”
❗️FOCUS = QUALITY x QUANTITY of things you say "no" to
Watch out for a woman in a red dress. This is a new business opportunity suddenly everyone is talking about and seems 10x easier and more fun to do than your current business. It’s just a distraction.
There are 5 stages of starting a business.
1. Uninformed Optimism
2. Informed Pessimism
3. Valley Of Despair
4. Informed Optimism
5. Achieve The Goal
Most entrepreneurs get to the Valley Of Despair, there they see a woman in a red dress and change their focus and start all over again.
Keep saying: “That’s an amazing opportunity for someone else”.
🔹 Get Better 🔹
Once you’re in the game of entrepreneurship, you have to just get a little better day by day.
A good example is content creation:
- make 10 pieces of content
- see the top one
- see the bottom one
- what topic was the top vs. bottom one
- focus on topics similar to the top one
- iterate
If you do this, you’ll keep making better and better content. And that gives you bigger and bigger leverage in your business.
That’s it. If you’ve read the whole thing - respect for you. Leave the comment with your thoughts on this approach. Let’s talk :)
Karol Górski
If I Wanted To Become a Millionaire in 2025, This Is What I'd Do (for beginners)
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