🥀 I Truly Feel Like Giving Up...Should I? (It's complicated...read the post) 🥀
You know, it's a sad story but true.
I started a Marketing Agency that never really got off the ground back in January of 2021.
I tried and tried and tried and tried.
But there were and still are gaps that I'm doing my best to fill.
You see...
I do some things really, really well...
Like, create, and graphic design, and art, and strategy, and planning, and inspiring others.
But what I ***don't do well quite yet***
...is the activities that bring in traffic......eyeballs on my creations
(my amazing web pages, and designs, and cool products...)
...and so, the people don't come...
...the appointments aren't booked...
...the deals aren't closed...
...and the money never comes in.
I am the gap...
...and no matter how much I learn from anyone...
...it's never, ever enough.
I have BIPOLAR. I'm inconsistent.
Moody. Sad sometimes. (a lot)
*** OUR EFFORTS NEED TO BE ADDAPTED TO each one of our situations. ***
(sure does feel like it sometimes)
*** Nope. Just work to figure out how to work through, and build scaffolding around our individual and personal circumstances.
Unless it's in my zone of genius....(look up The Big Leap book or ChatGPT ask what "zone of genius" means)
There are solutions......here are a few:
  • Partner with someone who is good at what I am not good at.
(Right but here's the deal, they would get a cut, which is fine, but I can't afford that right now, I kind of need to feed my 7 kids and wife and me with everything I earn. Who would I choose anyway? What would be the risks opening up my world to other people to help me that way.) Not opposed but it just adds another layer of complexity.
  • Create a system ONCE and maintain it.
(Sound easy. However, it's just tricky but, I think I'm going to use LinkedHelper2 and maybe Instantly or Manychat to automate some things so I can stop REINVENTING THE WHEEL.)
  • Paid ads.
(Well, I don't quite have the cash for this. I could ask for someone to invest $1000-$2000 in my biz for marketing capitol. I could also put it on a credit card but...this is not ideal in my current situation.)
My offer is okay but I feel like an imposter also. Can I create good enough results for my ideal customer avatar? I am sure I can but not certain.
  • Can't skip any steps.
  • Do the work until your are confident you've knocked each STEP out of the park.
  • Gotta' start conversations, a lot of them and as soon as possible. THIS IS HUGE.
I'm discouraged.
But I'm resilient.
I'm feeling like a phony.
But I'm doing my very best.
I'm spending more time being more trusting, having more faith and belief.
I'm spending more time closing my eyes and imaginging and FEELING myself living as a person who is helping so many people and making my $30K / month goal.
I call it...
We must FEEL as if we are already living inside of our imagined dream.
The we must FOCUS our actions, so focused, to make that dream a reality.
PLEASE comment below. We need your thoughts, ideas, and a REAL RAW window into your journey.
To your continued success and bright future,
Josh Holladay
🥀 I Truly Feel Like Giving Up...Should I? (It's complicated...read the post) 🥀
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