If you make a top quality post in this community and it's amazing, it will be featured and I'll love you long time.
If you make a post and it sucks, it won't get any attention, it may be deleted, and you may be banned.
Here's how to make a top quality post in this community.
Step 1: Choose from one of the 6 post types.
1) Wins. People sharing how they achieved a certain milestone that everyone else in the community is trying to hit. 2) Questions. People asking genuine, niche specific questions that you can't find the answer to on Google. 3) Curation. Asking the community to all contribute something so we can curate a list of good things. 4) Feature requests. Asking the community owner for a certain feature to be added to the community/program. 5) Real life photos. So long as they're somehow related to the community/community members. 6) Shout outs. When someone does something you like, and you post about it, I think that's really cool. Notice how NONE of them pitch anything?
Notice how NONE of them ask you to "DM ME"?
Notice how NONE of them make you feel like pressing the 'Report' button?
Step 2: Add a photo, GIF, video or poll to your post.
Step 3: Don't post everyday. Give yourself a day off between making posts :)