How To Know What To Focus On (This Could 10x Your Business):
This is the harsh truth:
Most entrepreneurs have lost the ability to focus.
They can’t discern noise from signal anymore.
They jump from one tactic to another without seeing results.
Here’s how to know what to focus on (this could 10x your business):
1/ Get self-aware
It’s easy to get lost in the daily grind.
You might think you are making progress, but are you?
Reflect on your long-term goals.
This will redirect your focus to what matters.
2/ Take a snapshot
You can only improve what you measure.
How are you spending your time?
Track every single activity for a week.
This will give you objective data.
3/ Analyze your activities
Look at every activity without judging yourself.
Which activities are increasing your chances of success?
Place these on the right side of a column.
Which activities are decreasing your chances of success?
Place these on the left side of a column.
4/ Set the foundations
You are a human, not a machine.
Set the foundations for optimal performance.
Use your calendar:
  • block out 8 hours for sleep
  • block 4 hours for deep work
  • block 2 hours for lunch & dinner
  • block 1 hour for exercise
5/ Identify your highest-leverage move
Use first principles in your business.
How can I get clients?
Example: By reaching out to prospects.
How can I reach out to prospects?
Example: By making 30 dm’s every day in niche groups.
6/ Do high-leverage tasks first
Focus the first 2 hours of your work day on your MIT.
MIT = most important task.
Put your phone on airplane, open only necessary tabs.
Do the work.
7/ Resist shiny objects
The grass isn’t greener on the other side.
You will be tempted to try a new method.
This is the nature of entrepreneurship.
But you must guard your focus from these seductions.
8/ Commit at least 30 days
Consistent output is the only thing you can control.
Do your highest-leverage activity first.
It can be boring, but necessary predictable growth.
9/ Don’t try to be sophisticated.
You are probably smart.
But the truth is this –
Complexity fails.
Simplicity scales.
10/ One last reminder
While this thread might be easy to read, none of this is actually easy.
We are living in an age of massive opportunities, but with that comes great distractions.
But I believe it is easier than ever to get the things you want.
Because most people are distracted.
What is the highest leverage activity in your business?
If you found this guide valuable, please let me know in the comments.
I consider posting more in-depth content every week.
Hamzah Salim
How To Know What To Focus On (This Could 10x Your Business): (FREE)
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