This is so solid. I feel the attachment to the work being done because it's what I've been studying! Other people aren't having the same experience as me - something simple that I forget all the time. I have to think as if I were them, not me.
, how you feel about my own end result, which is getting an author to the point where they hold their debut novel in their hand and are getting paid for it... or whether you think there's some hidden level of what an author actually wants! 👊
But any coach can say, I help you get clients. Every business coach can say that. Every marketing coach can say that. How about I help you get clients on Facebook without ads? Still doesn't sound special. Who wakes in the a.m. and says, I need to learn how to use Facebook to get clients, without ads? No one. How about this: I help people get clients in the least amount of steps? Do people want to learn how to get clients fast? Are they tired of coaches with long extended programs where they aren't getting clients till month 8? I think that's a bigger yes. Thoughts? Do people wake up in the a.m. and say, I need to make money faster, this is taking too long. Too many steps, to many new skills to learn (time and money spent on learning), and I'm not enjoying the process because I didn't WANT a youtube channel! So. How can I do this faster, in less steps? Lower learning curve? Um, Yeah!
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