28d ago (edited) in General
[ FREE STUFF 🎁 ] 100M Leads Presentation Slide by Alex Hormozi
I think this presentation will make me a lot of money...
Here's Why:
Alex Hormozi is a fantastic comedian and presenter, all we now that
He created an huge "WOW" effect in front of millions of people during this presentation
If I'm not mistaken they actually crashed the platform due to the enormous amount of people who wanted to join at first
So here's my next community strategy:
I am creating a video course of inestimable value, I have basically included all the material that I offer to my clients who have paid me thousands of euros
After that I will do a mix of organic + ADS to promote my personal "hormozi style" webinar
And at the end of the presentation everyone thinks I want to sell my offer and... BOOM
They will join the community for free, I will fill it given the value, I aim to have at least my first 1000 members
People exploit that content, get the first results and...
He will definitely want to buy more, he won't stop at 2-3k per month
and above all it will not want to implement the tide of value alone
So they will ask me for help and it will be there that I will sell my path 1:1 where I help them use that value, faster but above all with the right order
I know it works because by doing this I have already obtained 13k contracts from my first clients, and now I simply want to do it better and consistently, with as much quality as possible
If you want me to upload the 1020 hormozi slides that I prepared personally and it took me several days, directly here on the community with another post
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Nicholas Tosello
[ FREE STUFF 🎁 ] 100M Leads Presentation Slide by Alex Hormozi
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