Class-Work --- some cool stuff done today.
Well, I went ahead and took some action and filled in some of my ClassRoom section.
I realized that I should put all of my courses and resources and content inside of my FREE community.
In order to feel like I'm making progress I created placeholders for some of my courses...
...which helped me organize the courses and resources.
It's also helping me be motivated to know each one off and fill each one up with the appropriate content and move on.
Check it out in (picture 1)
As you can see, some say "coming soon" which isn't the best idea but it will work well for my action taking and completing.
Then see (picture 2) where I also created place holders that point them back to the free group from my paid group so I don't have to duplicate resource/course creation.
I think that should work okay.
I'll have a different color for the paid group content, like @Ted does.
Anyway, that's the progress today.
Josh Holladay
Class-Work --- some cool stuff done today. (Free)
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