Brand NEW YouTube Channel Earning $1,500+ a Month…
This channel was started 7 months ago.
March 2024.
29 videos uploaded.
Once per week on average.
Now, is $470 a week life-changing money to you? It might be...
It was to us when we quit our full-time jobs to go all in on YouTube 10+ years ago.
You don't need to make millions to make life-changing money, just enough to change your current work situation, that is, if you don't like your current position. If you do like your current work situation then YouTube can just be an amazing secondary income stream.
What's interesting about the screenshots below is that this is ENTIRELY attainable to anyone willing to work for it and can be achieved with ONE video per week, within 6-12 months as PROOF here.
Here is the exact (simplified) steps we took to create this channel, and will continue to do for our 20+ YouTube channel ideas we will roll out over the next few years… JUST DO THE EXACT SAME THING AS WE DO.
  • Pick a channel niche that is both interesting to YOU and also has a proven track record of success on YouTube based on other channels.
  • Research and write your scripts (or hire a quality script writer)
  • Narrate or present your script (or hire a quality narrator or presenter)
  • Edit your video (or hire a quality video editor)
  • Create an engaging thumbnail and title (or hire someone)
  • Wait for feedback.
  • Repeat.
That's it.
If you do that for 6 months. One video upload per week. You are VERY likely to see some meaningful results... You might not become a millionaire, but remember, you don't need to be, in order to make life changing money. All millionaire YouTube creators channels start just like this one. What are you seriously waiting for?
Let’s see what this looks like in another 6 months…
Jay Gee
Brand NEW YouTube Channel Earning $1,500+ a Month… (FREE)
A cooperative multiplayer game where players collaborate to start and grow an online business to $5,000/month or more using Skool.
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