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Q&A Session is happening in 7 days
Yo! This feels surreal and I'm super grateful for anyone who is reading this right now because that just means you took a HUGE first step in your content creator journey... Imma keep it 1000 with y'all... Sometimes it still feels like I have NO idea what I'm doing 😅 I've certainly never started or ran a community before but community in and of itself has always been something super important to me Being in communities whether in person or online with other people has helped me grow in SO many ways and allowed me to connected with other amazing people that have similar goals as I do Being a creator can be lonely fr. That's exactly why I started this and want to find out how I can help anyone who wants to start creating content and give them a place to meet and build with other beginner creators We ALL have to start somewhere. And you're taking a huge step in being here. So I truly thank you for that and I will do all I can to provide massive value to those of you that are tapped in here in the Creator Launchpad community NOW... Your first step... Create a post in the "Introductions" section and tell us a bit about yourself! Things you can include but not limited to - Where you're from (don't give us your address please😂) - What business/niche you're in - Why you're excited about creating content - What is your biggest dream when it comes to building an audience? + anything else you'd like to share that would help us get to know you! Again, so grateful for any of you who decide that this is worth your time Now, lets get you launched and creating content so you can share the incredible person that you've been created to be with the world and impact others 😎
New comment 1d ago
First Q&A Takeaways
Shoutout to my man @Michael Martocci for hopping in the first Q&A call! Would love to see as many of you possible in next week! Posting some of the takeaways that may be useful for you all as well! Michael is helping a CEO build his personal brand and the goal is to get speaking engagements through the content. Biggest roadblock we keyed in on was lack of clarity on ideal viewer/customer and speaking to that in the content + developing an offer for that audience eventually TAKEAWAYS Identify your Ideal audience member/customer (this will give you plenty of ideas for your content & help connect to those that will eventually buy) - pain points - Desires - Fears - What do you know/have experience in that they want to know/experience What is the CEOs experience that has made him passionate about what he does and who he wants to help? - People need to know the story of how you got to where you are - not the techno babble of what you do “If you were to have a room filled with 1000 people who paid to listen to you speak, who are those people and what are you talking about?” An offer will develop from clarity on an ideal audience member and helping them take the new step in the transformation they desire that you can provide them
New comment 4h ago
Hey, everyone! We'll be holding a weekly Q&A session every Tuesday night at 7 PM CST (open to changing the time to fit what works best for all of us if needed) This will be a great call to hop on for general questions regarding content creation, gear, scripting, editing, hooks, etc! Definitely hop on this call and add it to your calendar as this is the only weekly call we have at the moment As we diversify and grow the community over the next few months, I'll be adding some more calls for certain aspects of content creation. Courses will be uploaded in the next few weeks as well for you to check out so you can feel confident about knowing how to create content! Thanks so much for being a part of what we're doing here in the Content Launchpad. So excited to see what you all do as you begin posting content and building your audiences 🙏🏼
Hi from Germany!
I'm Peggy, and I just met Luke here on Skool :) I’m really excited to be part of this community! I’m so happy to learn from all of you. It feels like the perfect place to start. I’m passionate about peacebuilding in a broad sense. I study and teach at Hamburg University, and I make a living working for a health insurance company, where I train apprentices and employees. I'm building a community focused on developing metaskills like for example resilience, awareness and emotional intelligence through mindfulness, meditation, and self-reflection. That said, I’ve realized I don’t have a solid strategy for growing my audience. My ultimate dream is to be able to run my business from anywhere in the world. A huge shoutout to everyone here—mentors and fellow members—for helping me bring this vision to life. I’m so grateful for the inspiration and support! Let's inspire each other!
New comment 3d ago
Hi from Germany!
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