Want to go to New York?
Imagine being paid thousands to fly to New York and consult for a company a couple of hours per day.
The real question is:
  • What would be your expertise if a company did pay you to fly to NYC?
I know it can seem scary to consult for a company overseas, but you'd be amazed how straightforward it actually is + the pay is pretty great too.
For example, from 2014 to 2019 I was paid every single year to fly to NYC and focus on sales transformation for a few different companies.
  • I didn't have any formal education (no MBA or masters degree)
  • A couple of years earlier, I didn't have a single client and had no clue how to find the first one
  • I wasn't a former CEO or director with a wealth of business knowledge
But, I knew one thing inside out.
  • Sales transformation
Fortunately, companies are willing to pay BIG to help with their sales.
I remember checking out of one hotel where I stayed for 3 weeks (right next to the Empire State Building) and the receptionist said "here's your receipt for your stay sir".
It was $17,000!
The best moment though was when she said "that's all paid up, you're good to go".
Yep - as a consultant EVERYTHING is covered, I even had a $500 per day budget for expenses.
  • What expertise could you be highly paid for to help companies?
  • What's stopped you up to this point?
  • What's your biggest fear about taking your expertise to companies?
  • How would you like to travel to destinations all over the world to help companies?
Looking back, I've been paid 50+ times to travel overseas including:
  • Consulting in Dubai (5 times)
  • 2 weeks in Milan helping a company with sales leadership
  • Visited 21 cruise ships across 30+ countries earlier this year to roll out my sales methodology
  • Flew to Ghana to help an oil company several times
  • Been to Amsterdam more times than I can count to help a cool IT company
That's my hyper short list, but there's one thing in common with every single overseas consulting gig.
  • They pay thousands, if not tens of thousands
  • They're super simple and fun to deliver
  • I work no more than 5 hours per day (many of my NYC trips were 1 to 2 hours per day)
This is why, earlier this year I launched CIB (Consultants in Business) with my good friend and marketing genius because we both can see the HUGE opportunity for those wanting to consult for companies.
In fact, this coming Monday 7th October, we're hosting a FREE workshop '5 Steps to Lucrative Corporate Clients' where you can discover how you can grow a multi 6-figure business from just a handful of corporate clients.
To guarantee your space, let me know below by saying "I'm ready to consult for companies" and I'll personally send you the registration.
It's time to take your expertise around the world.
Excited for this, see you on Monday!
Pete Scott
Want to go to New York?
Consulting Freedom Tribe
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