10 High value skills that WILL change your life
It’s time to be highly paid for your expertise.
These 10 high value skills will take you there!
1) Copywriting
Write words, get paid.
Like it or not, we persuade through words and we spend a lot more time reading than anything else.
The problem? We read 100,000+ words per day, so:
  • Why should anyone listen to you?
  • Why should they stop scrolling?
  • What makes you read one email vs deleting many others? 
Words that connect with your reader, create AHA moment and make them think “Wow, I never thought about it that way before” pays thousands.
2) Sales
For you to sell for thousands, your consultation has to be worth thousands!
Most are so busy pitching, convincing and HATING sales, they miss out on everything mastering sales has to offer.
I’ve personally sold 2000+ high ticket consulting offers and there’s one thing I know for sure.
Sales is fun and is the fastest way to help more people.
3) Marketing
Most advertise, they don’t market.
They shout about their new product, they make offers and all they get is tumbleweed.
Supermarkets can advertise because they sell to everyone, so the billboard on the motorway is great advertising to bring more people to their store.
As small business owners, we need to talk to a specific audience and solve a specific problem.
That’s marketing.
And when you get it right, it pays immensely.
4) Lead generation
Most would argue they have a great product, most would also agree they can’t get a client.
AKA, they have ZERO clue how to find leads.
What would change in your life if you could generate 1 to 10 highly qualified leads per week in your business?
How will life be different when you have a waiting list of perfect clients wanting to pay you thousands?
Without leads, we don’t have a business.
With leads, we can build an empire.
5) Systems and process
It’s cute most business mentors teach goals, but there’s a very good reason almost all of their clients fail.
  • We don’t rise to our goals, we fall to our systems
And for most, their systems are broken or worse, non existent.
Systems are what we should be managing and from here we can implement processes that are proven for our business.
This alone gives us an unfair advantage on 99% of our industry.
Systems and processes sound painful, avoiding them is X1000 more pain.
6) Speaking
Can you speak on stage to 1000 people for 2 hours without any preparation? (Such a cliche BS question)
Let’s be more specific:
Can you speak on stage to 10 (or 1000) people, blow their mind, have them hang onto every word, cry, laugh and line up after to take a selfie with you?
If you’re not getting paid speaker invitations in your inbox every month, you’re missing out on tens of thousands in revenues with your expertise per year, simply for speaking.
7) Offer creation
Your offer is not your product.
The offer is WHY someone will buy your product, hence the expression “make me an offer!”
An offer wants to be so damn good, your market stop in their tracks and figure out a way to pay you.
In 2024, not even a good offer is enough, simply because there’s too much competition and choice.
Get damn good at offer creation and it will change your life forever.
8) High ticket conversion
How many clients have you got lined up to invest thousands with you this week?
If the answer is ZERO, why?
Many can generate a few leads here and there, few can convert these leads hence why they stay stuck.
Most can build a business with clients paying small amounts, a tiny percentage can transform these clients into 5K, 10K, 20K+ clients.
You gain an instant unfair advantage once you understand the true psychology of high ticket conversion.
9) Emotional intelligence & nervous system regulation
Amazing you’ve built a profitable business, sorry to hear about your health though.
Sound familiar?
Too many who eventually do succeed, do it at the greatest cost of all.
Therefore their success is short lived.
Emotional intelligence & nervous system regulation ensures you build success within integrity and your values.
Happiness, freedom, money in the bank and happy clients.
It’s all possible.
10) Consulting
Most are coaches, they’re not consultants.
Coaching is a valuable skill, but few ever achieve anything profitable from it.
Consulting is a different game entirely.
You’re highly paid as the trusted advisor in your niche area.
Clients rave about you as the master in your craft.
You have an entire toolbox of coaching, mentoring, leading, teaching, listening.
You’re not restricted to one modality.
Best of all though, companies will want to pay you tens if not hundreds of thousands purely for your advice.
In summary.
Pretty sure it’s time for you to become the go to expert in your chosen craft, right?
Then these high value skills will open the door and build the road for you.
Let me know below which skill or skills stand out for you the most.
P.S - I'm taking on just 5 more business owners to be their sales director throughout all of October. If you're ready to seriously up your game and turn your expertise into a highly profitable business, I'll help you get there. 5 more spaces only though, I intend to fill these today. To apply, drop a comment below.
Pete Scott
10 High value skills that WILL change your life
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