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Stop Focusing in Nofap
Porn doesn't even cross my mind, alhamdulillah. The best way to stop pornography is to stop focusing so much on not watching it, and instead be so busy with good productive things it doesn't even cross your mind. Also, since becoming a Muslim, even if it did cross my mind it's not even an option. It disgusts me.
The Giant Fireball in the Sky is Essential
Getting sunlight for just a few minutes within one hour of waking is essential for wakefulness during the day, and for falling asleep at night. Conversely, artificial lights at night time signal that it's time to be awake and supresses the melatonin (sleep hormone), lowers dopamine, contributes to depression, cortisol increase (stress hormone) etc. Dim these as much as possible and avoid unnecessary screen time.
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Conquer Modernity
Wake up to the lies of Modernity, join other men on the same journey, improve and become a man of virtue; and we'll conquer Modernity God willing.
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