Jun 18 (edited) in Other
Why i delete "ME and I Postings"
I have been asked several times now why "I postings" are not allowed in my communities.
I am now posting a text from my community with the explanation. I had the text translated by Chat GPT.
Please give me feedback on whether my explanation was understandable and what you think about it
"Here’s a valuable tip for everyone: if you want long-term interaction in your communities (not just short-term) and want members to stay engaged longer, avoid letting members post "I" statements, especially in larger communities.
I just closed some posts and would like to explain why. When you frame your situation with "I," others naturally want to help. However, they will never speak 100% from their own experiences. They’ll filter their responses to make them as helpful as possible for you. This filtering process causes a lot of experience and sometimes valuable insights to be lost.
No one here knows your exact situation. There are probably at least 10 to 20 more pieces of information and parameters needed to truly assess your situation. I’ve seen this in other communities: people ask for tips, receive advice that doesn’t meet their expectations, and then feel disappointed (No, the community couldn’t help me).
It’s never meant to be malicious, and people share their situations to illustrate the context. I totally get that. :-)
While it may be better for short-term interaction—since more posts get opened and everyone wants to help—long-term, it declines because it becomes all about individual situations."
These and other strategies are currently ensuring that my community is ranked number 1 in Germany and has a churn rate of 1.8%. (119 dollars/month membership)
If you have questions, let me know
lg Calvin
I would not recommend doing this in your community after reading this.
See this post as an inspiration :-)
Calvin Hollywood
Why i delete "ME and I Postings"
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