When can we get Pixel tracking? (& Auto-Accept new Members!)
I'm running paid ads to skool groups for 3 different businesses right now and all struggle with tracking and conversion goal optimization.
I tried the funnel with a normal email opt-in form before sending people to the skool, but then people now to skool have to insert their email & info 3 times! (first in the form, second in the skool account registration, and third in the skool group application)
I tried to send people directly into the skool and have them click on a welcome link page inside the skool to pixel their page view and use that as a conversion goal, however hardly anyone clicks it...
ALSO, please, PLEASE allow for Auto-Accepting of new Member Requests because that is a complete break in the funnel right now:
1) People see the ad, get hyped about the course/value/community inside the skool
2) They visit the Page / Funnel & Sign Up
3) Now they have to often wait HOURS for the next moderator & admin to check new pending member requests and allow them in manually (wtf..). This means that the user can not see Ad, visit page and log into Course/Community/Product on Skool in the same browsing session. A lot of people will never activate into the skool content because of this and manually clicking hundreds of members to accept their request is a kind of work no entrepreneur or skool host would want to do...
Please give some pre-defined Events to send to Facebook Pixel & Google Ads/Analytics, like Typeform & Calendly do it. Insert Pixel via ID.
And please allow for Skool Hosts to enable automatically instantly approve any new member request if they want that.
Thank you very much :)
Robin Ansorge
When can we get Pixel tracking? (& Auto-Accept new Members!)
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