10d ago in Strategy
What kind of vibe are you spreading on Skool?
Hi! πŸ’›
Hang with me as I get to the main point about strategy. πŸ˜€
I was a bit disappointed today when I saw someone being unkind to someone else. (And, that's the PC word - unkind.)
Gratefully, it is the first time I have seen that on Skool in the month I've been here! πŸ’™
But it got me thinking - what kind of vibe do you want to be spreading?
On the one hand, it is healthy to not give a rip about what other people think of you.
On the OTHER hand, it doesn't give you free reign to project your crappy mood, opinion or mindset onto others.
And, if you're doing that here, where else are you doing that?
It doesn't seem like a growth-minded strategy to bash others. Your potential/current clients and group members are watching you. πŸ‘€
Realistically, we all are not going to like each other. We're not going to agree with or find value in every post we see. That's human nature. But just because you don't agree, it doesn't make you right.
This is a PHENOMENAL community full of growth-minded, positive people who are doing what they can to create change in the world.
I know it might sound lame and cliche, but MY strategy includes spreading kindness and support. And if I have nothing nice to say, I'm going to do what my mom taught me and keep my darned mouth shut.
As my husband used to tell me when I was ticked off at someone, "Nothing good can come from saying that!" Argh. 🀣
Let's keep the vibe high so we attract more leaders - the movers and shakers - who are here to bring positive change to the world! 🌏
So tell me. Is your strategy one of creation or destruction? πŸ€”
(Yeah, yeah, there's a whole philosophical discussion in that question, but let's keep it simple. 🀣)
Chanin Zellner
What kind of vibe are you spreading on Skool?
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