3d ago (edited) in Strategy
What I've Learned from 6 Months of Building an Online Community
Six months ago, I started building an online community. Initially, I was focused on creating a paid membership, but after seeing stagnating growth, I decided to change my approach.
I made the community free.
I stopped charging members, and within two weeks, the group began to grow again.
Key Insight from : If you do something for the first time you suck at it and you should help people for free to get proof.
I've struggled with the idea that giving away value for free might diminish the worth of my work, but it’s done the opposite. It has opened up more opportunities for meaningful connections and even future income.
My goal? To create something so valuable that you love it enough to share it with friends.
Koen Cramer
What I've Learned from 6 Months of Building an Online Community
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