8d ago (edited) in Strategy
This Is What You Can Takeaway From The Ads Being Run For Skool Games
the new VSL launch earlier this week meant one thing
... a push for more traffic was coming
I wanted to see what this meant for anything skool ads related
"watch what I do, not what I say" is a piece of advice that's stuck with me for the last 11 years writing copy and running ads
so I spent a few hours analysing their FB Ad Account
as expected - it's a masterclass
and there was one glaring theme across what they were doing
it's a timely reminder and a lesson for anyone running ads (or starting to/wanting to run ads)
there are hundreds of active ads
this is possible due to the resources they can leverage
but what's key is this ๐Ÿ‘‡
95% of the ads use the same copy, description, headline, and URL ...
... but the creatives are different
(watch the attached video to see what I mean)
because the creative is often the variable of success
once you've found targeting and copy that gets you clicks at a price point you want, the game becomes getting as many eyeballs for as cheap as possible
and that's the role of the creative
it's obvious they've tested enough to find a copy variation that works and audiences to target - so now there's a flood of different creatives being tested and used
(there's also a few "single ads" with different copy running. these are likely "winners" that can constantly run. and there's the newest ad which looks like a new test too - as it's different to all the others)
what's the key takeaway here for us Skool Community Owners?
๐Ÿš€ test and use more creatives ๐Ÿš€
change the font size
change the font colour
change the font itself
change the copy on the image
change the picture on the image
change the entire image itself
test a gif
test a meme
test a video
test a screenshot
test an AI generated image
test an AI generated video
try a faceless video
try a testimonial
try a video testimonial
try the video with a different hook
try the video done by a professional
try the video done as raw as possible on your iPhone
what's going to work?
honestly, I have no idea
nobody does
sure, there are some kinds and styles of creatives that are working better than others right now
a good place to start is testing them and seeing what happens
we're seeing "note app" screenshots trending right now, as well as "photographic" style AI images
the key is to test, test, test until you find creatives, audiences, and copy that meet the stats you need
a simple setup to help you test more creatives is this ๐Ÿ‘‡
  • one campaign
  • multiple ad sets
  • each ad set at $30/day (or less depending on your budget, but rarely ever start with more)
  • each ad set has a different audience/targeting
  • each ad set has six (6) ads in it
  • each ad inside the ad set uses the same copy, description, headline, and URL
  • each ad inside the ad set has a different creative (that means six different creatives inside the ad set)
what this does is keep key variables constant, while others are being tested in a way where we can see, through the data, what works and what doesn't
by using an ad set budget (ABO), each ad set gets the same amount of spend each day and helps us see what targeting/audiences have better stats
by using the same copy across each ad set we can see how well the copy performs (clicks, link clicks, and CTR)
and by using six different creatives we can see what kind of creative gets the cheapest CPMs
  • find a winning audience? double down on it and test a variation of copy or variation of creatives with it
  • find a winning copy variation? double down on it and test it with a new audience and creatives
  • find a winning creative? double down on it and test it with a new style, hook or audience
the objective is finding what's a "winner" for you, and fastest to find it wins
hope you found this educational piece helpful!
Nick Maier
This Is What You Can Takeaway From The Ads Being Run For Skool Games
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