Think & Dream Big Like a Kid
You don’t always have to reach your customer directly; sometimes, the best connections happen through their spouse, friend, coworker, or even social media! I met a guy today at an event who isn’t an entrepreneur and doesn’t aspire to be one, but when I asked if he knew any entrepreneurs, he mentioned that his wife wants to start her own business.
I took that opportunity to share the SKOOL platform with him and handed him a postcard with my Skool Community QR code, asking him to pass it along to his wife. I also suggested that he surprise her with a gift by bringing home one of my beach bags! I told him that this thoughtful gesture would not only make her day but also serve as a little deposit into their relationship. He loved the idea and was thrilled to take home both a gift and an opportunity for his wife!
So remember, think outside the box! Dream like a kid! You never know how connections can unfold indirectly. Let’s keep spreading the word!
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Katina Washington
Think & Dream Big Like a Kid
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