The main reason people are not joining your Skool community
One of the most common reasons why people won't join your Skool community is because of this...
You make it all about yourself.
Yes, you may not realize it.
In the nicest way possible, people really don't care. They just want to know what is in it for themselves.
Use the following:
1- What resources do they get when they join?
2 - What results can they expect to see when they join?
3 - What is the offer?
4 - How long does it take to get results?
5 - Has anyone else inside gotten results using xyz?
You do need to back it up a little with what you have done, but make it short and to the point on why they should learn from you.
In my community description, I make it about them, but I also say say why you should learn from me.
Let me know how you get along with this.
To Your Success
Tom Perry
The main reason people are not joining your Skool community
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