Some Simple Truths About Traffic & Conversions (to get more of both)
I've been observing a lot of similar questions in the group lately around traffic and conversions
a lot of "how" and "what" based questions
  • how can I get more traffic
  • how can I get better traffic
  • what platforms should I be marketing on
  • what ads or organic content should I do
  • what's everybody else doing for XYZ
  • how can I increase about page conversions
... etc
and what's consistent between them all is this feeling of confusion and overwhelm
I get that
I used to look at everything and go climb back under the covers on my bed and cry
there are SO MANY OPTIONS available to us
so many tools for getting traffic, driving traffic, and converting that traffic
SIDE NOTE: if you ever ask "what works" here's the secret sauce - they ALL work
  • the solution is to take action to find what works for you instead of seeking external advice from people who don't know your specific situation or context - only you know you
  • look to others that were in a situation similar to yours or have done what you want to do so you can model it and make it uniquely your own
  • success leaves clues
the reality of traffic and conversions is they're actually really simple
Alex does a fucking world-class job at communicating and showing this in his educational content
we overcomplicate it though due to the thoughts, assumptions, and beliefs we bring to the table
over the last 11 years I've learned a few things about myself - one of which is I'm really fucking good at seeing patterns and breaking complex systems down into simple, easy to understand steps
it's helped me write copy, market, advertise, and create strategies for some well established companies
I've written content for Aubrey Marcus, worked with the Barbell Shrugged Podcast guys, built alongside one of Wim Hof's top students and practitioners, written ads for Craig Ballantyne, created for Kerwin Rae - and more
if you're looking at your traffic and conversions and feel even ONE PERCENT of confusion, complexity, or overwhelm I'm going to break it down into simple steps for you
the goal is you feel underwhelmed
... for you to look at your current "problem" and say "oh, is that all I have to do"
and then you go and start the process of doing it 😀
when it comes to traffic, you're making a choice based on what you want to invest
you have two choices
  • invest time and energy
  • invest money
both options have trade offs. both options have huge upsides
you simply need to answer "which do I want to invest more of right now"
thanks to Alex we then know we can choose either
(a) one to one communication
(b) one to many communication
if you're choosing to invest your time and energy you're going to generate your traffic from
  • outreach (cold and warm)
  • posting social content
  • networking
for outreach you can either:
  • text people
  • DM people
  • email people
  • call people
... you just choose whichever is most available to you right now, which FEELS the best for you, and which one gives you better access to your ideal clients
for social content you choose ONE platform
which ONE? whichever one your ideal client is already on
how often do you post?
however often you can commit to for the long term
there is no right or wrong here ... no best
it's simply if you DO MORE you have a larger surface area for success and get more feedback, faster
for networking you connect with people who ALREADY HAVE THE ATTENTION of your ideal client
you work out a "win-win" situation
and you use the "ugli orange" exercise to figure out what the other party actually wants
you might want the flesh of the orange and they want the rind
that's a win win
if you're choosing to invest your money you can either:
  • run ads
  • buy email lists and other contact details
  • buy into communities with your ideal clients
ads are simple
UNLESS your ideal client is specifically on LinkedIn, X or YouTube - run Meta Ads
go check out and Skool Ads Lab for what's working best for Skool Communities right now, or send me a DM
ads are really a math problem you're solving in a digital space using words, images, and videos
buying email lists and other contact details are simple too
you then email market to these lists and drive them to your community over time
has a great framework for "selling" your community without selling it
he had a convo with on Skool Stories a while back
in it he discusses how you don't mention your community or sell it
you mention some product, course or offer and that it's $50/mo ...
... and then you just link to the community
or you use a price anchor and drive people to the community as a reframe
"I created this new course to help you XYZ. It's $499 but you can get it right now for just $50 here"
buying into communities is the cheat code approach
11 years ago I paid $3k/mo for access to a mastermind when I had made exactly $0 as a copywriter
within the month I'd make $10k as the mastermind was for small business owners looking to get to $10k MRR
I added a TON of copywriting value and people started reaching out to me for support
the owners of the mastermind saw this and contacted me to set up a partnership
they'd recommend me internally and they'd take 20% of the sale if I made it
it's the easiest traffic I've ever had
and I've used this strategy a number of times now
it got me to $15k/mo as a one-man "agency" working with one to two clients a month
FOR CONVERSIONS (skool specific) you're looking at three different things:
  1. traffic quality
  2. VSL quality
  3. about page simplicity
tracking where your traffic comes from is a game-changer
it gives you objective data to see exactly what's working and what's not
this is why ads are so powerful
you get insane data in real time to see if you're messaging and targeting is working or not
social is a little slower, but the framework is the same
  • post content around XYZ themes
  • drive traffic to about page
  • analyse conversions
if conversions are low it's one of two things:
  1. your content messaging isn't the right kind
  2. your about page needs to be optimised
if your issue is #2 it's either your VSL or the simplicity of your about page
I'm currently finalising a deep-dive and analysis of the Skool Games VSL so you can see why it works so well, what specifically about it makes it work, and how you can apply it for yourself
it's a few days away from being done - so I won't dive into it here
I'll share it soon
to make your page simpler you want to make sure it answers four questions
  1. what is it?
  2. who is it for?
  3. what's in it for them? (and what this does for them)
  4. why should I act right now? (give them powerful reasons why)
and you want it to be crystal clear
your VSL will do a lot of the heavy lifting
the writing of your about page is simple too
  1. write like you talk (short and sharp)
  2. write like they talk (use their words)
  3. help them visualise all the value
  4. give them powerful reasons why they need to experience it
HOW you do that changes for your offer, industry, and ideal client
but the principles are always consistent
I understand there is length to what I've written above
my hope is you begin to see what the "signals" are for traffic and conversions so you can focus on them and not get distracted by all the noise
i's about the essential few things, not the trivial many
and far too many people (myself included) get stuck on the trivial many things at times
when we come back to focusing and executing the essential few things we find ourselves with more, better traffic and increased conversions
hope you found this educational post helpful
Nick Maier
Some Simple Truths About Traffic & Conversions (to get more of both)
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