Some of Hormozi’s past mentions
If you have courses and teach in your community, I would highly suggest going and taking a look at How to avoid death by PowerPoint by David JP Phillips on YouTube. It literally changed the way I do presentations. So much so I was done recording my course, saw that video after I heard him make mention of it, and went and re-recorded my course all over again. It’s that good‼️
Also for creating offer presentations and scripts, I’ve found that if you input all of the things you’re putting in your offer into chatgpt, and then tell it to create a script for you using Jason Fladlien’s presentation style….
He also has a book titled One to Many which is in a league of its own 💯
Lmk if it’s worth the time it took you to read through this post, and I’d love to hear how it went if you try it 🫡
Jeffery Williams
Some of Hormozi’s past mentions
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