Skool HQ and Vegas Experience!
and I had the most amazing time with everyone at the Skool HQ, Vegas Mansion and Skool Games 1 day! We are so grateful to have shared this last 2 weeks with all you beautiful people!
Firstly, I wanted to thank for creating this space a lot of us now call home! You have built something truly incredible and I'm so grateful to have been able to spend time with you over the last 2 weeks! I hope you liked the Sam blanket lol
Secondly, I wanted to thank and for the awesome Level 7 experience! Skool HQ is buzzing with life with you 2 there, the hangouts, movie nights and all round fun vibes are what make the experience even better 🦄
Thirdly, for being apart of the experience with us too! So many awesome days seeing other parts of LA and connecting with you more was a lot of fun. Memories for life brother!!
Being able to connect with people through online community and then meet IRL should be the goal for all community creators. As Skool brings in new features, this becomes more possible by the day. I encourage everyone to start thinking about creating similiar experiences within their own community.
The August 1 day with in my opinion is the best 1 day Skool has had yet. There were not one but TWO special guests for the day and I believe this whole day is exactly how you should be building your community moving forward. Definitely watch every second of it, take notes and implement fast because it's game changing!!
VEGAS chats with are another reason you should be going to the Skool Games. The guy is the META of Skool afterhours chats. He just speaks in datasets 24/7 and has been one of the biggest impacts on my Skool journey as a whole. I appreciate you more than you know ❤️
There are many key takeaways I had from being surrounded by and all the other amazing people we connected with at Skool games!
❤️‍🔥 My favourite takeaway was this framework:
  • Document
  • Demonstrate
  • Duplicate
Seeing how Hormozi uses this with his businesses and Skool is a clear example as to why things grow fast with REAL structure.
You can use this for everything and you once you do, you can start to tweak your inputs to allow for better outputs. It should be a framework everyones uses to grow their communities!
➡️ My other favourite was the testimonial structure Hormozi uses.
When you gets wins in your community, collect testimonials and use structure them like this:
  • Worst moment
  • Stats
  • Skepticism (why us?)
  • Did Anyways
  • Best Moment
  • Stats
It's perfect for almost all communities and where people are at (won't work for higher networth people unlesss you shift the relative pain)
This was an experience I will never forget and I can't wait to see what Skool has instore for us to finish of the year!!!
enjoy these photos lol ( got deserts for the Hormozi's)
Ryan Duncan
Skool HQ and Vegas Experience!
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