Skool Growth Is Simple When You Know This
I'll be honest that I can't remember who I first heard this from
it could've been Jim Rohn ...
... or maybe Peter Diamandis ...
... or someone completely different
it doesn't matter - they were much, much smarter and experienced than I am
but the lesson hit me hard
"success comes from doing the right things, at the right time, in the right order, the right way"
this is FUNDAMENTALLY different from doing things right
there is an order to things
a naturally process that creates and allows for optimal flow
in life, and in business
building, growing, and scaling our skool communities is no different
do the right things, at the right time, in the right order, the right way
the challenge is identifying what those "right" things, "right" time, "right" order, and "right" way are
what are they for you?
honestly, no idea
the best place to start is analysing your data
it will give you the insights you need
identify the constraint
  • more traffic
  • better traffic
  • higher conversions
  • better retention
  • better monetisation (pricing, profit, LTV, CAC, etc)
that will point you in the right direction
and then, focus on it like your life depends on it
... because at some level, it does
I've been absorbing different 1-Day Hormozi recordings on my runs lately
ads, content, and conversions are my focus right now
so I've been intent on listening to those
and I've been channelling a lot of Sam lately
--- specifically, his intensity in focus
there was something he said in the June recording
Video 7 on Conversion Tactics ... and the 6:45 minute mark
"this is the most valuable thing to me"
he's talking about skool community owner feedback
that's his most valuable metric and piece of data
he optimises his workday for it
he mentions he spends half his workday on this alone
because it's data that guides him better than anything else
having those conversations is his "right thing"
the information he gathers in those conversations helps him identify what's most pressing, where the leverage is, and where the current and potential future value lies
but he knows this because of the amount of TIME and REPS he has put in
and that's how you TRULY KNOW what your "right" things are
it can be very UNDERWHELMING
the trick is getting out of "the mind"
getting out of the "drama problems" and into the "math problems"
if you actually study those one-day recordings and Q&A's, this is what Alex & Sam do
they get people to focus on the math
nobody knows what will work
we know what does work
your work is figuring out how to make it work for you
this is why I love the Skool MRR Calculator I created for my group
it shows you your path to $10k, $20k, and even $70k/mo
with this gameplan and clarity, you go to work on seeing if you have a traffic or conversion problem
then you solve it
  • more traffic?
  • better traffic?
  • higher conversions?
each of those problems has a very specific solution to it
that solution becomes your RIGHT thing
you solve it ...
... then you move onto the next
that makes building, growth, and scaling simple
it's like the domino's fall one after the other
sure, a problem will arise
that's inevitable
but you just solve it when it comes up
no idea
but the solution will be there, and it'll be obvious
it might not be easy to actually implement and do
but it'll be possible
this is why scaling is oftentimes simpler than growth
during the growth phase you're identifying what works
scaling is optimising and doubling down on what worked to get more out of it
it's doing more, and doing it better
if you're in the growth phase right now, keep going
find the the things that are "right" for you and your goals
when you find them, double down on them
do LESS of the other things
subtract, don't add
but while you're building and growing you'll likely need to ADD to find what works for you
simple to understand, hard to apply
that's the paradox
you know what phase you're in though ... so start there
hope you found this educational piece valuable
Nick Maier
Skool Growth Is Simple When You Know This
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