Skool Emotional Journey
Who here has heard about the emotional cycle of change? It's a concept that helps us understand the highs and lows we all experience in our personal and professional growth, including here on skool!
Here’s how it unfolds:
  1. Uninformed Optimism - We start off excited and full of energy!
  2. Informed Pessimism - Reality sets in, and we begin to see the challenges.
  3. The Valley of Despair - This is the toughest phase, where doubts peak and motivation can dip.
  4. Informed Optimism - As we persevere, things start looking up as we overcome obstacles.
  5. Success and Fulfillment - We achieve our goals and feel a deep sense of accomplishment.
We all go through these phases at different times here on Skool, and it’s those who push through the Valley of Despair that find great success.
Where are you in the emotional cycle of change right now?
Can’t wait to hear about your journeys and cheer each other on through every stage!
Marianne Suarez Sabugo
Skool Emotional Journey
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