i wanna just share how skool could potentially work for you as well. in no way do i have the best results but i believe we can all learn something from one another's results.
started this journey on skool july 17th. Majority of everything i have done here has been organic traffic and no ads.
first week we were just shy of $20,000 cash collected
Just yesterday i officially put up a course people could buy and within an hour had someone buy it on top of our paid community ($999 + $188). Before that all i had was the monthly membership at $188 per month.
our current process after being on skool for a little over a month now goes as follows.
bring prospect into free community. Promote and market the results of our paid group.
when they join our free community they are welcomed with a short loom video welcoming them to the family encouraging engagement and edifying the opportunities of our paid group. i would say 4/10 people will end up enrolling into the paid group BEFORE they get on any calls with us.
NOW when they jump on a call with us after joining our paid group we can go for the up-sell of our course/mentorship and they are way more likely to close because they have already paid for something of ours. This is where we would collect majority of our revenue. Right now Skools platform has been able to bring us an average additional monthly income of about $20k.
we have figured out in the beginning that 1/10 people who join the free group join our paid group. So a lot of our focus has been to create better conversions with that in mind and push more volume.
we now have over 444 members in our free group.
Now that we have annual memberships to sell i can only assume the cash collected will start to increase as well.
80% of everything we have right now has been through skool and little outside influence of IG or FB etc.
hunker down, take it serious and watch it grow. If you don't take your money serious you will never have serious money.
i think the biggest thing i have learned so far is how important leading with value works on skool and on every other platform. You have to make people feel wowed at the fact that you are giving so much away. Even writing this post feels out of the normal for me because it is slightly vulnerable to share everything we have done. Seek help when you feel you need it and strap in for a long ride and just work obsessively on your craft!💎
Chris Morales
Skool Community
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