1d ago (edited) in Strategy
My Skool Journey So Far
It was April 20th 2024...
The day everything changed for me...
I woke up, grabbed a cup of coffee and watched this hormozi video
After watching that video I knew I had to get in on this thing called Skool.
I started a community for all of my past clients that I had taken out fishing.
Around 50 people joined for free in the first couple of days because I already had relationships with them.
I spend WEEKS building out a course and pretty much wrote an entire book.
Now I was finally ready to monetize.
Or so I thought.
$29/mo for exclusive access to all my weekly fishing reports.
Blasted FB ads.
Posted on every other platform I had an account on.
Reached out to everyone I knew.
Total MRR...
It felt like the universe slapped me in the face.
I asked myself "why didn't this work?"
And then I realized I was selling what I wanted to sell and not what the marketplace wanted to buy.
It was a hard lesson to learn because I had poured my heart and soul into this launch.
It took me a couple days to figure out what my next move was going to be and then it clicked.
Thats it!
I'm going to help other fishing guides like myself!
I scrolled for DAYS on Google sending messages to fishing guides all around to USA and collecting leads.
"Hey! This is Captain Nate, I started a free community for fishing guides. I don't know what its going to be about yet, but if you want to join just let me know and I'll send you the link."
102 guides joined.
I bet you think this is the part where I start making money.
I had another epic fail.
My offer was helping them set up their own skool community.
I sent personalized looms with links to start their 14 day free to each of them with plans of raking in that 40% affiliate commission.
I thought I had figured it all out.
The next day when I woke up I checked my phone and saw exactly 0 people signed up.
But what I did see were some angry messages from people who thought I was running some sort of pyramid scheme.
They were posting in my community and bashing me.
It sucked.
I had to fix it.
So I took the next 2 weeks to get on a call with each and every one of them to speak with them directly.
Talking with these people is what made me realize what they actually needed.
So I found 5 people in my community who were struggling and I helped them for free.
And you know what they did.
Gave me banger reviews!
Now all I had to do is ask for money and I would make my first dollar online.
So thats what I did.
I went to another member who was clearly struggling and said
"look what I did for those people do you want me to help you do the same?"
He said yes and paid me $100
Finally, my first dollar online after almost 3 months!
Now that I found something people actually desire and proved that it actually works I felt ready to scale.
I knew I had to find a mentor if I wanted to speed up the process.
So thats what I did.
It took me three months to earn $100 MRR
Then in month four alone I earned $1,100
The only thing that changed was I had a mentor.
There are wayyy to many people along the way that helped me to list out.
But you know who you are.
Special shoutout to for showing me what is possible.
The game has only just begun!
Nate Perry
My Skool Journey So Far
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