1d ago (edited) in Strategy
Make One Genuine Connection at a Time...
As members of Skool Community, we have a UNIQUE PROBLEM...
Unlike other platforms, we actually have an ABUNDANCE of amazing people that want to connect. There's literally "too many" awesome people here for any one person to get to know them all...
How can we make the most of this opportunity, without wasting it?
If you spend any time here, you're going to get overwhelmed by comments and might not be able to respond to all of them all the time...(that's ok).
Focus on ONE QUALITY connection at a time. Rather than trying to connect with too many people at once, find someone that you "click with."
Be open to possibilities, and just try to find someone you connect with on a genuine, real, deep level...
Make a new friend. Make a new valuable connect.
The more genuine connections we have in Skool Community, the more valuable the community is. As each of us become known within our own groups and circles of collaboration, then more people will naturally tell other people about you...
And you start to build a legendary presence...
So the next time you've got 99+ notifications and are tempted to go respond with 100 GIFs that don't add any real value...take the time to make ONE REAL CONNECTION...
And if you FOCUS on this ONE PERSON AT A TIME...before you know it, THOUSANDS of PEOPLE will start to notice you, because that's how it actually works here.
We've got a platform that supports our growth. If we make real relationships, we become ICONS.
Brian Campbell
Make One Genuine Connection at a Time...
Skool Community
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