Jul 19 (edited) in Bug Report
Loving skool but not the issues
So many of my members are having the same issue I am having, you better not want to edit your post or comment or even just move cursor to the 1st line to fix a word..it is so frustrating it just doesn't work, press and press and nope can't overwrite or correct
Also completely different it, how can we not have the ability as admins to have post approval as admins we are legally liable for anything that goes on a social media wall or feed...
What happens if a member, does a defamatory post and for whatever reason, I miss it, I am asleep when they do it, I am away for a day or 2, it doesn't make sense BC there is no protection for us owners.
Any thoughts, it can't just be that this rule is for FB that admins are legally responsible
And is anyone else having the editing post comment problem
Just remembered.1.more issue
Some members don't get the code they need to join
And they keep messaging me
Other then that it's all good...we have grown to 102 In a week, it was a week yesterday
Hope everyone is well, and apologies if I come across a little frustrated it's just that I am...
Jim Broski
Loving skool but not the issues
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