3h ago (edited) in Strategy
Keep it simple, Dude!
👇🏻 Where are you finding yourself stuck or in a mess of mindfuckery with your community building?
What if we just keep it simple… cause our brains like to pull a fast one and have us believe it’s really complicated, or we need more of something we don’t have or is out of reach, to do the next damn thing.
Or, even crazier, that you have to follow uber complicated steps or frameworks to actually see success… when really doing that without doing the simple things first could create more of a mess than you think 😉
Want more engagement?
Do the work and be a human, respond to people in your space and others, without expectation or frustration, because that’s what you would do irl…
Don’t get into the headspace of believing it’s beneath you or because you had to figure it out the hard way they should too, especially because they aren’t paying you 😳🤦🏻‍♀️
Want more peeps in your space?
Put in the reps, whatever method you choose, and no you don’t have to cold dm/call, run ads etc, things just might move a little slower, and you get to choose what feels right for yourself.
Don’t know what to create next, or wondering if what you are working on is the right thing?
Ask your peeps, the ones in your community space, they will tell you what they want and need 😉
Want more money coming in?
Provide more value… stop focusing on the money and focus instead on providing value and the money becomes a byproduct.
Need help?
Ask someone in this space, there are several beautiful souls here that are happy to answer questions and help you on your way… side note, if you haven’t checked the classroom and used the search function for your answers do that first, don’t be a leech.
If you are in a group and it’s not resonating, find another group, because a true leader wants to see you succeed regardless, with you taking action and doing the next thing, but if you don’t jive where you are at, find another space you do!
🚀 You are in control of your outcome, it’s time to ditch the mindfuckery, keep doing the next damn thing, and watch what unfolds.
Sarah Hankins
Keep it simple, Dude!
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