If you have 5k+ followers as a coach, read this
The funnel I'm about to teach you made me thousands of dollars with only 400 followers
I'm 100% certain that this funnel can get you to a minimum of 10k/mo if you have 5k followers on IG or YT
Here's how it works:
  1. Get to talk to them
The biggest benefit from youtube is that your audience is way more qualified (because they spend more time with you)
The only downside from youtube is that you can't message anybody
So we need to funnel them to a place where we can actually message them
This place is either IG or skool
If you are creating content on IG, you just reach out to them when they follow you (you can outsource this if you want)
2. Get them on a coaching call
The goal of the DMs is to book a FREE 101 coaching call with them
The goal of this coaching call is to give them so much value that they CRAVE for more
On top of that you have to break their limiting beliefs about you/your vehicle
If they have limiting beliefs, you have to handle those on a sales call which will be 1000x harder, OR even worse: they won't even book a sales call with you AT ALL
The way to get them on a sales call is by saying "Btw (name), I think I can really help you with (their problem) so you can (desired outcome)! Would you be down to hop on another call together where I will show you what we offer and how we can help you get to (desired outcome/desired income)?"
Of course they will say yes
3. The sales call
Honestly, you HAVE TO charge higher prices
I had one guy who charged like $50/mo for his program
Then I told him to charge high-ticket, and on his first sales call he made $500 (1.5K LTV)
If he would still charge $50, he would have lost out on $450 (and the other 1k LTV )
The worst part?
his clients would be less engaged, and spend that money on his competitors
So please make sure to charge higher prices
So yeah man that's the conversion system that can easily get you to 10k/mo+
Keep changing lives GπŸš€
Luca van Straalen
If you have 5k+ followers as a coach, read this
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