Welcome Hormozi! (Update: 1,500 Members in < 30 days)
Hey Skool.
I made a bet just 30 days ago that Skool was going to be the #1 community building platform on the planet, and now, I have EVEN MORE confidence in that being the case.
I'm so STOKED to have Hormozi joining us for this crazy adventure we're all about to go on. The fact that he's all in, means we all should be, so I'm happy to be slightly ahead of the curve.
Also, thought I might share an update since many of you enjoyed my small success story getting to 270 members in a week, but we've managed to cross 1500 members just 3 weeks later. ( More than 100 requests to join in the last 4 hours actually )
Here's what we're doing to grow, and what you should be doing too.
  1. Talking about it on social media EVERYWHERE. DMs, on the timeline, in replies, on other posts, etc.
2. Providing STUPID value upfront and for free. ( We're running 14 hours of free coaching a month + we have a HUGE program dropping in the classroom for free, a $10,000 giveaway, a build in public challenge where we're showing the full process growing to $10k/mo and so much more.)
3. Promoting and Highlighting HYPER ACTIVITY. Every community has it's best members. I just make sure people know who ours are. This encourages MORE engagement in return.
4. Not Selling! Yeah I know this is controversial (you're here to make money, I get it), and yes we do "sell" stuff but the community is FREE for a reason, so keep it that way. Let your immense value turn people into customers naturally. They will literally BEG you to sell to them at some point. But just be patient until then.
5. Don't go ghost. Transparency is KEY for group growth.You need a face. Your group needs to get FIRED UP when you come in and drop the heat. Be present. Be intense. Be a hype beast for your members.
And I think that's it.
Oh wait...
6. You have to be worth joining/following. Otherwise you'll churn and burn. If no one likes you, it'll show in the metrics. So, try to be likable??
Now that's it.
Cheers to the success of Skool and cheers to the next 12-18 months of exponential growth as we take over the community building space.
Jaice de Celis
Welcome Hormozi! (Update: 1,500 Members in < 30 days)
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