This is an encouragement for those who are hesitant to pull the trigger on things, so instead feign productivity by asking the same questions over and over again.
You know what to do, you just don't want to do it.
Don't get me wrong, I think the Skool Games are awesome...
...but why sit around talking about the game when you should be playing the game!
Sitting around talking about how to score goals and defend effectively doesn't win games. All that talk, knowledge, and strategy needs to manifest into action.
Play the ACTUAL game.
Do the things you're supposed to do, and when you finally look up at the scoreboard, you might actually be winning!
Unless there's a specific strategy connected to you increasing your Skool Games or Skool Community level, your score on the leaderboard should be secondary to your ACTUAL fkn business.
Take the time invested into gaining points and trying to win trips to HQ and invest TWICE that into your members and customers. Then you'll start to see real impact.
The Skool Games are a vehicle to help you build a successful business. Don't let it distract you from the purpose. the game. Lose the game. Learn from your loss. Improve your game. Play again. Repeat until you're a fkn champion!