Moderator role improvements
You need people to help moderate your group, approve membership requests, etc. Your hardcore members are the best fit for this role, and they want to help you. The problem was: Making a "Member" a "Moderator" removed them from the leaderboards (members don't want that). And it gave them too much control (group owners don't want that). Now, Moderators can: ✅ Approve/decline membership requests ✅ See and delete reported posts/comments ✅ Change post category, turn comments on/off ✅ Visible on points leaderboards ❌ Remove/ban members, change their roles ❌ Email broadcast posts, pin/unpin posts ❌ See member emails, billing info ❌ Export data ❌ Access locked courses ❌ Change group settings This allows you to make your most hardcore members moderators. They feel special helping you manage your community and you get to share the workload of group ownership. Win/Win. Full breakdown of all roles in the image below. Enjoy 🎉