Day 31 of Building My Skool Community (Lessons and Learnings)
As I hit Day 31 of building this community, I’ve been reflecting on a quote that’s been sticking with me:
“The work works on you more than you work on it.” – Alex Hormozi
(maybe I should attribute this to someone else, let me know)
At first, I thought building this community was about strategy, systems, and outreach….
But along the way, I’ve realized something deeper, the work is changing me
This quote resonates because it’s not just about getting to 100, 200, or 1,000 members
It’s about the person I’m becoming in the process
The patience, the persistence, the willingness to adapt and grow, these qualities evolve because of the work
The version of me required to lead this community is not the same as the person I was on Day 1
I’m learning that to get where I need to go, I have to become someone new
But now I’m curious-
For those of you further along in your journey,
what hidden wisdom or lessons have you discovered that changed you?
(especially in the process of building your own communities)
🤔 💭
Raquaza Moss
Day 31 of Building My Skool Community (Lessons and Learnings)
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